I love News Dump Fridays, but today is Twofer Tuesday. 2 stories for the price of 1.
This ad is now being run by the grassroots liberal group Greater Wisconsin Committee and takes direct aim at Scott Walkers biggest Achilles Heel - job loss. We are #1 in job losses here in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin led the nation in job losses for the last 6 months of 2011, coinciding with the start of Walkers budget. Despite some minor job gains in January and February this year, we lost 4300 jobs last month.
Job losses, extremist legislation, union stripping, devastating cuts to education and social programs, a shameful conceal carry handgun law, opening up our state parks to hunting, and a slew of anti woman legislation Walker signed into law on the last day possible (announced on Good Friday so it would be lost in the Easter weekend virtual news blackout) are among the reasons Walker and his GOP cronies have to go.
We know Walker and his monied backers are prepared to spend tens of millions to stay in power. The facts, though, are on our side.
And today, in the Business Section, is more bad news for Snotty Walker:
Wisconsin is the only state that had "statistically significant" job losses over the most recent 12-month period, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.Ouch. That's gonna leave a mark.From March 2011 to March 2012, Wisconsin lost 23,900 jobs. That was the largest decrease in percentage terms in the country.
Those job losses came from both the public and private sector, but the public sector job losses (17,800) were larger than the private-sector job losses (6,100).
Primaries May 8.
Recall election June 5.