Some of us have had discussions over this past week about Justice Prosser's reflexes. We now have video proof. When Justice Prosser is angry and sees a neck, he can reach out and throttle it like a diving falcon.
This was diaried just over a day ago, but the daily turnover on DKos is such that I think it bears repetition as we move into a holiday weekend, especially because TPM last night posted a nice story linking to the video. Besides, as you'll see below the fold, I'm "adding value."
Embedding the video, from Fox's Madison-area affiliate, seems not to work well on DKos, but go ahead and give TPM a hit; Josh's babies need a new pair of shoes. You don't need to watch more than the first 50 seconds or so if all you want to see is Prosser's ninja moves; they don't repeat them. Continue on and you see the Fox reporter being a pain in the butt to Justices, but offering a mildly plausible justification for it at the end.